Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Social media

Hey fabbies.

Trust you have all stayed "fabulous" as always? Not getting any comments lately? Does that mean the blog is rather boring?

Would really love to read your thoughts and possibly get down to write a post on several comments made.

Today isn't about interior design but rather about social media with emphasis on twitter.

Image courtsey by Lisa McTigue via google
So we all know twitter is amazeballs , wonder why i didn't learn to use it effectively earlier but like they say, better late than never. So i signed up on twitter in 2009 but never got so much benefit from it like i do now.

I have attended various seminars, workshops and fairs thanks to the buzz on twitter, some of which include #adoptatweep #entrepreneursmeet

Courtesy Google images

Also started following twitter chats like #kbtribe chat (professionals discussing about kitchens and bathrooms, whats in, safety etc) Tuesdays 6pm EST , #intDesignerChat Wednesdays 2pm EST, #blogchat  and one i co-host with a friend and mentor #DecorWars Saturdays 10am GMT (bi-weekly)

Through these chats i have also met amazing people, increased my number of followers a bit and having fun while networking.

I had a tough time deciding if i needed a business twitter account apart from the one i used. The verdict? Yes, i do. So i opened one.

Courtesy Google images
 @lillshorty and @DRAB2FAB_

Are you on twitter? How has it helped you generally especially networking? Would love to hear from you.

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